Friday, June 13, 2008

Deux Musées et le Marais

In the past two days, we have visited two art museums, seen four or five different neighborhoods and walked several miles (both intentionally and unintentionally). For some reason, we keep visiting museums after lunch, which makes them extra boring because I’m so sleepy.

On Wednesday, we went to the Musée d’Orsay, which houses primarily Impressionist paintings. It is my personal opinion that this museum is only worth about twenty minutes of your time. Just long enough to take in the marvelous architecture of the interior, see the sculptures on the main floor, and run up to the Impressionist wing just to take a look at how much paint these guys used. Layers upon layers of thick, toxic, oil paint. It’s mind-blowing. Then, stop by the gift shop after your twenty minutes are up, and pick up some posters, which are just as beautiful, in my opinion. Or better yet, Google image “Monet” or “Impressionism” and you will have approximately the same experience without the entrance fee.

The Musée Picasso, on the other hand, must be seen to be believed. I’m not even particularly fond of Picasso, but there is so much depth to his work that it looks completely different when you are in the room with it. It is also in a very beautiful location—an old house actually. These old-money collectors didn’t want to pay several million in taxes, so they donated the mansion, and the art, to the French government. Lucky for us, I guess.


Jodi said...

I love this picture!

Linda M. said...

Hi Heidi,

Great shot! Sounds as though all is going well. Be sure to hit Napolean's tomb.

Linda M.